UPLIFT Power & Data Rail - Dog Bone Shape



Select a color for your Power & Data Rail system.

This determines the length of internal electric cables. 60" and 72" wide desktops require Long Rails.

The "Plug-in" option can be used to provide power to up to four desks and requires a 20A type outlet configuration. The "Hardwire" option can provide power to up to 16 desks.

Power Pole color will match the Power & Data Rail color, except for Industrial Style Power & Data Rails, which will be black.

Organize and secure your workstation's cables and wires.

Acoustic panels reduce noise and improve privacy. They also help to define the office and provide a sense of space ownership.

Dark Gray

Light Gray

Blue Lagoon



Dog Bone Shape configuration

Looking down at ten desks arranged in the Dog Bone Shape configuration

This novel layout provides power and data to ten workstations arranged around a set of rails.
